Story of A Traveler

I lost myself in the little details of life and I found it for a brief moment in the little details of nature.
They Ask Why Do You Go?
I go to seek... something.
I don't know what it is yet.
If it's a place, will I recognize it?
Will it pull me in,
give me shelter and rest after my journey?
If it is a feeling,
will I finally learn to sleep through the
night without nightmares, or melatonin, the
constant rattle of assistance just to feel,
safe enough close my eyes?
It is a smell?
Like the first real day of spring after
winter, where the snow has begun to
dissolve and you can see the tips of grass
reaching through to say hello, and the
kaleidoscope in the sky after a heavy
Will the breath of wet earth take me
'If Ive learned anything at all this year,
It is that home is not a person.
This gullible heart cannot find refuge in
people, who's minds will change like That,
leave you lost and lonely without a second
Decide you're no longer an accessory to
their happiness,
kick you back to the beginning after
making so much progress.
They Ask Why Do You Continue to Leave?
go to seek. Something
A direction,
A purpose,
A reason l am here.
I've made this pilgrimage before.
Sometimes, I wake in the night in a panic,
feel like I am only going in circle,
but if I cease, I will sink.
So l am praying,
Let this body in motion stay in motion,
Let no acts of force, of lies of love,
Bitter kisses, false promises of a future
drawing me in to backslide.
am going to seek Myself,
Whatever that looks like,
Who ever I am and soon to be.
I will go.
I must.
Despite the ghosts who whisper reasons
to stay, and all the fear they harbor,
despite the fact that one day soon,
I too, will be little more than memory in
your collection bank of lovers,
I go to seek myself.
To be More than I was with and now
go to live a life no past can tangle itself
up in,
this voyage it will be my own.
There are no half purchased tickets,
No stowaways to hitch or hide,
Come and go as they please.
I go to seek.. something.
the world,
A Reason,
go to conquer everything I was told
could not have,
a life worth living,
a life that's mine.
I go to seek.
I go to find.
I go,
Nature gives you rules to follow in order to survive within the society, if you break these rules you will get lost. In society you are just another subject but in nature you are a whole, a part of something bigger....
In nature you disconnect from everything and you reconnect with yourself.
Dellal Mohamed El Amine

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